Fundraising Events

 Combe Cream Teas

  Our Cream Tea event will be held on Sunday 11th August which helps us to raise funds for our setting. We will be asking for volunteers to helps us serve tea, coffee, and cakes, help with the washing and wiping up to collect plates and cups from the tables. We also need donations of scones and cakes to sell on the day. If you think you can spare some time, even if it’s only for an hour, to come along and help on the day, then we would be very grateful for your assistance. We will have a volunteer and cake donation sign-up sheet on display toward the end of the term.


Why Do We Fundraise for Pre-school and After-school Club?

Every year we plan and organise special fundraising events to help us raise much needed funds to buy new equipment and resources to provide new experiences and help the children to learn in new, fun and imaginative ways.

Recently we have raised  money to:

 - Provide new fencing to help extend and secure our outdoor garden area.

 - Provide messy, cooking and art and craft resources for the children.

 - We have purchased crates to create a obstacle course for the children to balance and walk along.

 - We have purchased a new climbing frame to improve the children's physical skills.

 - We used money raised from World Book Dress Up Day to buy a new shop till with calculator for the children to use during role play.

 - Build a purpose built outdoor sand tray with chalk borads to promote mark making.


More ways to help us Fundraise!

 'Support My Childcare Group'

Please click on the link below to 'support my childcare group' and follow the instructions to register and create an account to shop via the site.


If you click on the eaysearch function, you can also raise funds by using this search engine on the web.

Some of the retailers include Argos, M&S, Amazon, John Lewis, ebay and many more.

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